Wash & Shine Trailer Service in St. Louis

Let’s face the facts: we’ve never actually seen a working trailer stay clean for long. Most trailers get dirty quickly due to environmental factors and could use a wash and since several times just in a single Summer camping season. However, this all depends on where the trailer has been and what it has been doing. Some trailers only stretch their legs for a single camping trip while others are moving across multiple camping sites throughout the season. No matter what your trailer has been up to, we already know that it will eventually get dirty.

Camper Trailer Wash Coupon

Wash and shine trailer service has been meticulously crafted to leave your trailer with a thorough clean that will make it look as good as possible. Restoring the shine and appearance of your trailer comes down to a few factors. Here’s what you can expect when you get your camper washed and shined at Travers St. Louis RV / Camper Service:

  • Thorough wash using a special cleaning agent
  • Removal of unwanted surface dirt, debris, grime, and black streaks
  • An expert technician with strict attention to detail and just enough elbow grease

What about those streaks?

Many of our customers seek a professional-level wash and shine for their trailer because we can remove those darn black streaks. At Travers St. Louis RV / Camper Service & Body Shop we can remove even the most stubborn black streaks that make your trailer look questionable.

We’d like to share with you an RV / Camper secret about those black streaks – the best way to prevent them is with a regular washing! These brown or black streaks are just accumulated grime, and they are preventable. That means the best service is not necessarily in response to black streaks showing up; preferably, the best time to get your trailer washed is before those darn black streaks can settle in. These marks are usually a sign of neglect, which means that scheduling proactive wash and shine the wisest decision in preventing rather than responding to accumulated filth. The best way to love your camper trailer is by scheduling a professional wash from Travers St. Louis RV / Camper Service & Body.